v1 to v2 agent upgrade

Upgrading the agent version cannot be completed by using the update function of your package manager. Instead it requires a few extra steps to ensure that the process completes without issue, which are detailed below.

Manual Upgrade

Stop the v1 Agent

/etc/init.d/sd-agent stop

Backup v1 Config File

cp /etc/sd-agent/config.cfg ~/config.cfg

Uninstall v1 Agent

For CentOS / RHEL

yum remove sd-agent

For Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get remove sd-agent 

Replace Old Repositories - CentOS / RHEL

For CentOS / RHEL

cat - > /etc/yum.repos.d/serverdensity.repo << 'EOF'
name=Server Density Repository for Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch

For CentOS / RHEL 5, you also need to ensure that the epel repository is installed

yum install epel-release

Replace Old Repositories - Debian / Ubuntu

Debian 7 - Wheezy

echo "deb https://archive.serverdensity.com/debian/ wheezy main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list

Debian 8 - Jessie

echo "deb https://archive.serverdensity.com/debian/ jessie main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list

Debian 9 - Stretch

echo "deb https://archive.serverdensity.com/debian/ stretch main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list

Ubuntu 12.04 - Precise

echo "deb https://archive.serverdensity.com/ubuntu/ all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list

Ubuntu 14.04 - Trusty

echo "deb https://archive.serverdensity.com/ubuntu/ trusty main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list

Ubuntu 16.04 - Xenial

echo "deb https://archive.serverdensity.com/ubuntu/ xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list

Install v2 Agent

For CentOS / RHEL

yum install sd-agent

For Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get update
apt-get install sd-agent

Install Required Official Plugins

If you're monitoring Apache, Nginx, MongoDB, MySQL or RabbitMQ install the relevant package(s) that you require now.

For CentOS / RHEL

yum install sd-agent-apache
yum install sd-agent-nginx
yum install sd-agent-mongo
yum install sd-agent-mysql
yum install sd-agent-rabbitmq

For Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get install sd-agent-apache
apt-get install sd-agent-nginx
apt-get install sd-agent-mongo
apt-get install sd-agent-mysql
apt-get install sd-agent-rabbitmq

Update v2 Config

Find your agent key from your old config file, or from the device page in your Server Density account.

grep agent_key ~/config.cfg

Edit your v2 agent and add your agent key to the agent_key config variable. Also add your Server Density account name to the sd_account config variable, similar to below.

nano /etc/sd-agent/config.cfg
sd_account: example
agent_key: 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef

Your Server Density account is the subdomain you use to login. For example, if you use https://example.serverdensity.io then your Server Density account is example

Update Official Plugin Configs

Edit the official plugin configurations to reflect your requirements. These are located in /etc/sd-agent/conf.d/ and have the default name of service.yaml.example. In order to use these you need to change the file name and ensure all configuration variables in the file is correctly set. 

mv /etc/sd-agent/conf.d/apache.yaml.example /etc/sd-agent/conf.d/apache.yaml
nano /etc/sd-agent/conf.d/apache.yaml
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  • Avatar

    Thanks for pointing this out Scott, we've updated the article!

  • Avatar

    Under the 'replace old repositories' section, the first line of that command should be:

    cat - > /etc/yum.repos.d/serverdensity.repo << 'EOF'

    The quotations around the first EOF are required otherwise the $releasever variables will be interpreted and typically insert blank values, causing yum installs to fail.

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