Our v2 agent is OS X compatible and can be installed via a GUI installer, or our installation script.
Scripted Installation
To complete a scripted installation please see the instructions here
Manual Installation
Download the Agent
Please download the latest version of our macOS agent from our archive.
Mount the dmg file
You can mount the dmg file by double clicking on the dmg. You'll then be presented with the contents.
Double click the .pkg to start the installer.
Running the installer
The installer will guide you through the process. Simply click Continue on each screen and Agree to the license when requested. You will be prompted for your password before the installation occurs.
Configure the Agent
Once the agent is installed it will need to be configured with your agent key and account name. The config file is located at /usr/local/etc/sd-agent/config.cfg
Edit it with your favourite text editor or via the terminal so that it includes your agent key and account name.
Starting the Agent
Start the agent and ensure it starts on boot by executing the following command:
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.serverdensity.agent.plist
Check Metrics
You're complete! Head back to your account to see your new OS X metrics being graphed.