Monitoring Marathon

This article will help you get the Marathon plugin for sd-agent configured and returning metrics

Installing the marathon plugin package

Install the marathon plugin on Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install sd-agent-marathon

Install the marathon plugin on RHEL/CentOS:

sudo yum install sd-agent-marathon

Read more about agent plugins.

Configuring the agent to monitor Marathon

1. Configure /etc/sd-agent/conf.d/marathon.yaml


- url: the API endpoint of your Marathon master
  • If you wish to specify an API timeout or use authentication to view the master info, amend the rest of the config file as necessary

2. Restart the agent

sudo /etc/init.d/sd-agent restart


sudo systemctl restart sd-agent

Verifying the configuration
Execute info to verify the configuration with the following:

sudo /etc/init.d/sd-agent info 


/usr/share/python/sd-agent/ info

If the agent has been configured correctly you'll see an output such as:

  - instance #0 [OK]
  - Collected * metrics

You can also view the metrics returned with the following command:

sudo -u sd-agent /usr/share/python/sd-agent/ check marathon

Configuring graphs

Click the name of your server from the Devices list in your Server Density account then go to the Metrics tab. Click the + Graph button on the right then choose the marathon metrics to display the graphs. The metrics will also be available to select when building dashboard graphs.


Monitored metrics

Metric Values

Number of applications
None / None
Type: float

Backoff time multiplication factor for each consecutive failed task launch; tagged by app_id and version
None / None
Type: float

Task backoff period; tagged by app_id and version
second / None
Type: float

Configured CPUs for each instance of a given application
None / None
Type: float

Number of running or pending deployments
None / None
Type: float

Configured CPU for each instance of a given application
mebibyte / None
Type: float

Number of instances of a given application; tagged by app_id and version
None / None
Type: float

Configured memory for each instance of a given application; tagged by app_id and version
mebibyte / None
Type: float

Number of apps waiting to be deployed
None / None
Type: float

The task rate limit for a given application; tagged by app_id and version
None / None
Type: float

Number of healthy tasks for a given application; tagged by app_id and version
task / None
Type: float

Number of tasks running for a given application; tagged by app_id and version
task / None
Type: float

Number of tasks staged for a given application; tagged by app_id and version
task / None
Type: float

Number of unhealthy tasks for a given application; tagged by app_id and version
task / None
Type: float
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