Information about Agent Plugins

Out of the box the Server Density agent will collect key system metrics, such as memory, disk, CPU, network usage etc. If you run additional software you will need to use one of our agent plugins

Installing Plugins

Plugins are delivered as OS packages. You will need to install an additional package to use a plugin. These packages can be found using, for example on Debian/Ubuntu, apt-cache

apt-cache search sd-agent

Or on CentOS/Red Hat, yum search

yum search sd-agent

You can also find the package name within the plugin's documentation.

For example, to install the MongoDB plugin, you will need to run:

sudo apt-get install sd-agent-mongo

You can then configure the plugin as per the steps below (detailed steps within individual plugin documentation).

Plugin Configuration

Example configuration files for plugins can be found in /etc/sd-agent/conf.d on most installations with the .example suffix. To activate a plugin, you can either use these configuration files (recommended), or create them from scratch when using a custom plugin. As an example:

cd /etc/sd-agent/conf.d
mv mongo.yaml.example mongo.yaml

You can then follow the instructions with the plugin file, or refer to the agent plugins docs for configuration. When you activate a plugin, ensure you restart the agent (example for init.d based systems):

sudo /etc/init.d/sd-agent restart

example for systemd based systems:

sudo systemctl restart sd-agent

Custom Plugins

If we don't have a native plugin available for what you'd like to monitor, you can create a custom plugin. These are, simply, Python files meaning if you can get the value or metric from your server/application, it can be sent to Server Density to be monitored, graphed and alerted on.

Verifying Configuration

You can run a test to ensure plugins have been configured correctly. To do this, execute the info command (example for RHEL and Debian based systems):

sudo /etc/init.d/sd-agent info

example for systemd based systems:

sudo /usr/share/python/sd-agent/ info


The agent will log to various log files in /var/log/sd-agent, so you should check there if you're seeing any trouble. If you contact support, we'll also ask for these logs. 

Additional Support

If you have any problems using the agent plugins, they're fully supported so submit a ticket or email

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