By default the agent will log warnings and errors but if you are having problems with the agent not reporting certain metrics or with your plugins, you can enable debug mode which will log every action the agent takes.
This article is outdated and will eventually be removed. See debug mode for the v2 agent
1. Browse to your agent config file
cd /etc/sd-agent/
cd /etc/sd-agent/conf.d/
2. Enable debug mode in the config file
Open the config file in a text editor such as nano:
nano -w config.cfg
On line 71 you will see this:
# logging_level: debug
Change it to:
logging_level: debug
Save and exit (if you used nano, Ctrl + X then press Y).
3. Start the agent
This will depend on how you installed the agent.
Linux packages
sudo /etc/init.d/sd-agent restart
Mac, FreeBSD or manual install
python restart
4. Locate debug log
A debug log file will be created. The location depends on how you installed the agent:
Linux packages
Mac, FreeBSD or manual install