Automatic agent installation - AWS

If you wish to monitor your AWS instances you can have the agent installed and the device added to your Server Density account automatically upon instance creation. 

Please note that this does not sync your AWS instances into your Server Density account. We recommend that you also use our Cloud Sync feature to ensure you AWS account is always in sync

This works by adding 'user_data' when creating your instance. Within this user_data we define a simple bash script that in turn executes our installer script. This allows us to install the agent on the initial boot of the OS. 

AWS Console

When you create an instance via the AWS Console you have the option to add 'User Data' in 'Advanced Details' on step 3 of the instance creation wizard. Click the arrow next to 'Advanced Details' to reveal the textfield. Then simply copy in the following replacing the values of $SD_ACCOUNT and $SD_API_TOKEN as required (note that as the -A option is specified the script will automatically attempt to pull your instance ID and provide it to ServerDensity on device creation):

curl | \
bash -s -- -a $SD_ACCOUNT -t $SD_API_TOKEN -A


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